There's So Sequal for the Now Departed

I’ve been knocked down
By a force unidentifiable
Breaking in this denial
I felt so weak
But nothing changes the hearts of the guilty
Or the bad intentions of the wicked
Kissing lips full of blame and deceit
So where do our two ends meet?

They left me rotting far from here
They made certain that not a scrap of life
Was anywhere near
They took my bones
They stole my home
They made me believe
That defeat was inevitable

I tried to knock
I swear to God I tried to open the door
And nothing was there but empty spaces
Abandoned places
And the scattered remains of fabricated dreams
We all know nothing is, as it seems

And he looked at me with those same two eyes
The same blank stare
I wished wasn’t there
The same old fist hits me again
I can feel nothing
Not even pain
As I reach for you
Its then I see
You’re out of reach
Just living in me
♠ ♠ ♠
About abuse and torture.