Friends? More Like Traitors

i was on the floor being kicked around
i felt blood drop fall from my chapped lips.
It tasted like rust and pain
I looked up and saw you looking down on me

It was almost as if you wanted to smirk
i thought you were going to protect me
not watch me suffer by the hand of someone else
this hate now? it runs deep in my veins for you

I feel so helpless I see all of you staring down at me
boring holes in my face
It makes me feel smaller than I already am

Roper...I thought you were my friend who I could come to to look back on the world and it's struggles

Kienan...I thought you were my role model who wouldn't stand by and just watch me get hurt

Jodee,you were one of my best girl friends....someone I could come to for boy troubles

And Josh,it is you who i am most dissapointed in. I love-or lovED you. and I thought you loved me
Lies...ha...all of it LIES. I mean nothing to you!! I don't mean anything to any of you...traitors!