
one day a girl went up to a boy
she said
remember yesterday
when we would laugh about nothing
remember yesterday
when we would sleep all day and party all night
remember yesterday
when u would look at me with loving eyes
remember yesterday
when "fire" meant the the feeling in our hearts
remember yesterday
when love was the only word that described us
remember yesterday
when everyone envied us
remember yesterday
when you would hold me
remember yesterday
when all the world was in our hands
remember yesterday
when every time we parted you whispered i love you
the boy turned to look at her
i mean really look at her
straight in the eyes
the girl's heart beat quick
then lost its excitement once she heard what the boy said
he turned
looked at her
and said
yesterday has come and gone
it's never coming back
it's sort of like it never was here
i lost interest in you
my heart beats for another now
you gave me your beat
but i changed
you gave me your fire
but i let it sizzle out
you gave me your smile
your laugh
but your smile fell
but your laugh changed
yesterday was way back
today is a new day
he then smiled his sweet half smile
and left
left the poor poor girl
left the girl
you know the one
you saw her before
the one curled up in a ball
for her loved one
freely took her heart
and let it break
watching it shatter
and what did he do next
he gave her that half smile and left
well when the boy got home
he sat on his bed
flipping through his notebook
when the phone rang
it was the other girl
the one his heart shared a beat with
he answered the phone
thinking of his love for her
he listened carefully
so slowly
his mouth dropped
oh did it ever
when the conversation ended
he then curled up
into that same ball
that the one girl had made
just a few hours ago
he did this
because his love
now broke him
for the girl he broke
was his girl'd best friend
and his girl heard about this
now there were two broken hearts
but one of them
one of them
was repairing
for her heart
had a doctor
and the doctor
was the girl who broke his heart
but the girl felt bad
so the next day
she gave the boy a note
a tiny one
it only had five words

"i'll help you repair yours"
but that was yesterday
now they are together
happy as ever
but the boy learned his lesson
yes he learned hi lesson
for he was with the right girl all along