
As i start to feel lonely again
I reach for this, my old friend
A friend of shiny, deadly steel
With a razors edge.
I start to feel alive again.
as i press the blade to my wrist.
i can see the beautifully fresh cut skin.
as the blood rolls down my arm,
i feel the numbness has started to come.
but the hurt and dispair are always there.
it reminds me of the perfect life.
but i know i will never see it.
the pain from the cuts quickly dies.
i cant stand not feeling.
so again i take my old friend
i draw a line for every thought
thats running through my head.
for everyone thats ever hurt me,
and everyone thats ever abandoned me
i look down and realize
im sitting here in a pool of red
i start to feel dizzy.
the room starts spinning
faster and faster it goes.
as i fall to the floor
i can feel the life draining from my body
the thoughts cease as i lift my head.
the only thing left is someone finding me dead