Forbidden Fruit

As he walks through the door, my heart races a little faster

I see him, and see him see me, but I wonder why?

As I walk to my destination, I involuntarily shuffle my feet.

There he is, watching; like an eagle watches its prey from above.

Yet, it’s not intimidating- it’s affectionate, longing.

I ask him if he needs anything, knowing his true thoughts won’t be his answer.

He asks for cheese slicers, and I hide a smile as I take him there.

As I leave him be, my mind wanders.

Do I want it? Do I know what I want?

The answer is simple, I do

Yet, I don’t

I’m scared

And curious,

All at once. I want to see what it’s like.

There’s just one thing holding me back:

His past, his family. I know him, but I don’t

He knows me, but he doesn’t.

As I wish him a good night, and a smile

He leaves, leaving unspoken words as he is enveloped

Into the cold night.

Leaving my mind to ponder

The forbidden fruit should never be tasted; but will it?