I Need You

I need you.
I really do.
You are always here for me.
You even say it,
Whenever I’m talking about my life.
How bad or good it has been.
Or how angry and sullen I have become because of my parents,
And all you do is say that it’ll all be alright,
Because I will always be here for you no matter what.
You know I need you.
I know you need me,
But I need you more than a flower needs sunlight,
To make it germinate.
I need you more than you need me.
Which is a lot more.
A lot lot more than you need me and
I know that you need me,
But I don’t think you need me as much as I need you.
Needing you,
Is like my heart bleeding,
Aching for more and more of you
Promises are kept,
But hearts are still broken.
Without you…
I am just down in the dumps,
Almost blind of what is going on around me.
I don’t care about anything except for you,
When I haven’t talked to you,
In a while.
It seems like such a long time,
Almost interminably long,
To wait for you,
To talk to me,
To tell me something,
Or to just talk.
You make me hyper and happy,
Vivacious and jubilant.
But you also make me cry and sob,
About all the events that have took place so far as to now.
I know that things won’t be the same after you read this,
So don’t hesitate,
To do something,
That you know is wrong,
Because I know.
I know that you want me.
I know that you need me.
I know that you know that this is wrong,
But what I don’t know is this:
Can two rights make one wrong?