Our People, Our Prosperity

And the aqua plumage stirs
Two soaring figures; the perfect pair
Atop the building spires

It’s hard to tell the species
Of these immortal guardians
Intended eagles now are cormorants
The emblems of our desires

The female faces out to sea
Willing the sailors home
The male‘s sights are set inland
Keeping the pubs open for when they come!

Together yet apart the birds exist
And see the time take effect
On their city;
The child they’re sworn to protect

800 years developing, growing
A caterpillar in its cocoon
On the 801st the city flourished
Like an English Rose in full bloom

Each day of the year
Even better than the first
World culture intertwining
With locals to form the best

Mix of arts, music and atmosphere
Happiness, excitement and pride
The people have identity;
No longer have to hide

Like King John they respect and cherish
The everlasting airborne lords
Circling, nursing, protecting
Our unique Liver Birds

With swelling hearts and swelling prides
The parent birds look to the sky
Their heartfelt caws ring high and mighty
It’s our people, and our prosperity.
♠ ♠ ♠
This poem won me the title "Liverpool's Under 18's People's Poet 2008". And a very nice £500 cheque :D
