Everything Around Me

I see it.
I see everything.

The blood.
The open cuts.
The tears.
The pain she fears.

The hurt.
The dispear.
It's all there.
It really is.

I see it.
I see everything.

I see black skyes.
I see spirits roaming the earth.
I see the way you look into her eys.
I see everyones lies.

Who can't see it?
Who can't see the lies you've been told,
Over and over again.

Who can't see black skyes?
That just keep getting darker and darker.
More and more each day.

Who can't see spirits roaming the earth?

That;s who.

Like you too.

You can't see anything,
but; Happiness,
Blue skyes,
Puffy white clouds.

Everything that's the exact opposite,
of what i see.

They're always bright and cheery.
While I sit here alone; wondering why I'm alive.

They ask;
Why in the world would you want to die?

While I reply;
Life's not at all happiness, blue skyes, and puffy white clouds.
Life's full of hate, pain, dispear. And honeslty it's a really shitty place to live.

They turn away,
calling me a freak.

While, I just sit there wondering.
Why had I just explained that to them?

Then I tell myself;
Because they needded to realise the truth.
What life truly is.
Not what they want it to be.