What happened?

What happened to us?
we use to be so close...
we knew everything that the other was doing..
we never had to miss each other..
because we were always so close
but now.....
we never talk...
I have no idea how your life is going
you have no idea about mine
but just so you know....
its killing me...
not being able to talk to you...
not being able to see you...
now what happened??
She was always there
what changed about her??
what made you closer to her??
what made you avoid me??
whatever it was it has ruined me
and my life
and my heart...
dont you feel just so happy for that??
have fun with her
while i am on the side
being hurt more and more
every day...
♠ ♠ ♠
idk it just confused me and it just happened...so idk