Where there's a will there's a way

Do you believe that where there is a will there is a way?
But what if you had to say goodbye to your love one day?
Would you one day accept the fact their gone,
And one day let your broken heart mend and move on?

Would you lie awake at night remembering a tender kiss?
And would it be theirs on your mind that you would miss?
Would you hold their picture close to your heart,
Even though your thousands of miles apart?

Can you forget the one you make love to and hold tight,
The one whose arms in which you fall asleep at night?
Would you allow yourself to again fall in love,
Or would you pray, to again be with them, to the Lord above?

Would you be thankful for the time together you've spent?
Would you think it wasn't enough time and where it went?
Would you wait by the phone or for the occasional letter,
Will what they say or what you read make you feel better?

What if you had no will to forget the love that went away?
Would you dedicate your life to being with them one day?
And if one day you and your love reunited, would you say,
"I do believe that where there's a will there's a way"!