Numerals, Eat Your Hearts Out

My name is not Ryan, nor is it George or Ross.
And it's not a number either- I'm not a third, first, or even a second.
I am a Q!

I could be every vowel- say "Fuck you, consonants!"
But I doubt I'm as useful as them; vowels are E V E R Y W H E R E.
Most likely a Q.

A person rarely uses Q's, let alone knows more than five words with it.
Despite it's trendy, mysterious cutting line, the letter is practically dead.
Yes- me.

It's a person on the wrond track- half way trapped.
It's a smothering sense of self- a house you can't sell.
Fucking. Q.

I'm not Ryan- I'm Q!
I'll be inside the one who holds you, and then,
I won't be...