The Halls of the Dead

Walk straight in, walk straight out, protect your heart from stone.

All who seeks to know of life, turn away right now.
All who seeks to know of death, enter and walk around.
The Halls of Death are comfort to the unliving and the undead.
The Halls of Death are the underworld and hell to everything.

Walk straight in, walk straight out, protect your heart from stone.

This place destroys all purity.
This place will kill your heart.
All that you know will die before you.
All you will know is death.

Walk straight in, walk straight out, protect your heart from stone.

Your emotions are dead, replaced by numb.
Your body is gone, replaced by spirit.
The shades of the dead will call you forth.
They ask you to walk with them.

Walk straight in, walk straight out, protect your heart from stone.

Do not fear, there is hope, for people looking for knowledge.
Trust your heart, don't let it die, and follow the light you see.
Only by ignoring the whispers, the dead and dieing lies;
Can you see the truth of life, and the path you must follow.

Walk straight in, walk straight out, protect your heart from stone.