With and/or Without You

I cower in fear. You have the strength to face a million men in battle. I shut my eyes in the dark, to escape the shadows that surround me. You bravely face the unknown, without a flicker of terror in your eyes. My mind is weak. My grasp is futile. My actions can entirely be bent to your will. Your mind is an outstanding powerhouse of information, comfort, and wonder. Your hold is strong and warm. You unknowingly make me want to follow you to the death.

The tears stream down my face. I find relief in you. Solace. Comfort. Oh, how you have the power to protect me so. You so strong. So intuitive. Yet, there seems to be one thing you can never get. Just how in love with you I am. I breathe in your scent when I am near. In case you want to know, you smeel clean and fresh. Minty in a way. Always clean, and..flawless. I can't help but stare deep into your eyes when I'm near you. Their deep hazel depths draw me in, and I can't stop myself. When I'm near you, I can't help but feel you. "accidental" hand touches make my life. My day. Make my breath catch in my throat.

When you're not around, I feel empty. Lonely. Needy. I need you. Do you need me too?

Of course you don't. You're so strong and independent. Me..I'm just me. Weak of mind. Weak of muscle. Weak, without anyone to lean on. Which is where you come into play, darling. When I'm with you, I can do anything. I can climb mountains, leap over canyons, leap from a cliff and soar into the air. You are my power. The burning passionate flame inside me. Without you, the flame would burn out and die. Leaving me cold and alone; helpless, once more. Without you, life would be more suicidal than death. Without you, how could I bear to go on?