Love and lust end in P A I N

Lies. Love. Lust. And broken hearts.

This is our story. How we both felt that strange tingling sensation right down to our toes when we locked eyes. The tremble of alien emotions that fluttered amongst ourselves whenever we were near. The nervousness. The hesitance. We both suffered that strange fuzzy feeling within our stomachs. The unusual symptom neither of us were familiar with. The smile that unknowingly crossed our faces as we talked. Or even as we thought about each other.

Soon followed, the hunger for each other's company. As if no other person in the world could satisfy the need to be with that one person who made you feel those alien emotions. The thirst to feel the other's warmth. Then came the day we locked eyes. And all those emotions came spilling out like a fountain, pooling together to make one large messy puddle of love.

Passion followed. Warmth. Happiness. Strength. No longer having the emotion of being totally and utterly alone. No longer lurked the shadow of complete emptiness. For once in both our miserable lives, we were happy. And that in itself was absolutely mind boggling. We were two hollow halves, together, making a whole. It was divine. Amazing. Superb…those were the best days of our lives.

As time passed, and the snow began to fall, my feelings never faded one bit. The butterflies still lingered when you stayed, and I felt hopeless when you weren't around. If our lives were so perfect, if even for only a while, why should it ever have to end? I was prepared to go to the end of the world for you.

Yearn for me. Bleed for me. Live for me. Die for me.

Perhaps I was selfish, or too clingy. Perhaps I loved you too much. After all, I loved you with the very essence of ever fibre of my being. My soul. My heart. They all belonged to you. So maybe that's why I was completely destroyed when you left. …It was all just a lie. Did you pretend the whole time?

After that. I wanted to move on. I didn't want the presence of our lost love to conquer me forever. But it was too late. When you left, my heart and soul left with you. And here I lie, as an empty shell, praying everyday to have you back. I want to move on. You don't deserve my devotion. You crushed me like an ant. Like an insect, who's emotions were to be played with. Their feeling's to be toyed with. Only to be destroyed under the humungous pressure of heartbreak.

Darling, I see you on the street with her. Holding her hand. Laughing, cuddling, holding, grasping. Just like we used to do. Darling, you've forgotten me. But there's no way I'll ever be over you.