Darling, I love you

Baby, I need you.
Darling, I want you.
Honey, I love you.
And, sweetie? You'll never know.

These feelings locked inside. Kept inside. Hidden within. These feelings all are for you. Surrounding me. Inside of me. Taking over me. My brain goes all fuzzy when you speak to me. Wordless, and breathless, my heart pounding furiously, as if trying to escape my chest, I grasp at nothingness, trying to find the words to say. Oh, how do you have this effect on me?

My friends get suspicious, as you come around. The stuttering, the shyness. The nervousness and anxiety that is so unlike me. Around you, it's just impossible to be myself. I've tried to stop the feelings. But dearie? It's impossible to stop love, I've found.

Never having felt this way before, I'm so inexperienced. A fresh young newbie to the concept of needing someone so bad it hurts. Always feeling like a gullible, clumsy pile of mush, or a stuttering fool in the face of you. The butterflies so bad, it leave my stomach queasy. The way you smile simply makes my heart skip a beat. When I try to speak, my heart jumps straight into my throat, and there I am, wordless in your presence once more.

There is no way I'd ever dare tell you. Darling, you're taken. Why couldn't you be taken by me? Darling, I love you. Isn't it horrendously obvious? Darling, I'll wait for you. I need you like a heart needs a beat. Darling, I yearn for you. Don't keep me waiting too long, please.