Induced Depression

The emotions swirling inside. Uncontrollable. Unstoppable. Constantly spinning inwardly, making me dizzy and nauseous. The depression in my head spins in an inward spiral, making me sink lower and lower into its clutches. Unable to escape, trapped inside myself. The pain is blinding, clouding my judgment. Everything seems to lose its meaning. Life. Death. Friends. Family. Revenge. Enemies. Nothingness.
Mascara streaks my face, as I stare out an open window. Alone. Again. Once more. What else is new? I'm separated from the world. Isolated in my own little chamber of darkness. Nothing matters. Nobody cares. And I'll never escape this horrible state known as depression.

A mindless void. I walk to and from locations where I'm "needed". Nearly a robot. Automatic, robotic reactions to everything around me. Unsmiling actions. Programmed actions. Can't arise suspicion. I wait for the minute where I can return to my empty hole, and drown myself in sorrow. Cry at least a bit of the pain away. Cry. Cry. Cry. Remain crying. Until all my tears have dried out. And come to an end. Until I can't cry anymore. Despite the lack of tears, I'm still dying inside. The pain is endless. I can't get out. Won't someone save me? Help me? …NO.

No one will come. No one cares. I'll stay in this endless pit of sorrow and suffering forever. Some think this state was sudden. Some saw it coming. They're all wrong. Baby? This all started the day I met you. Why must you be so tragically irresistible, to the point of driving me absolutely, and irrevocably insane?
You gorgeous little shame upon humanity, you.