Misfortunate Me

"Not again," I moan as it drops
From my fingers; falling far
As I screw my eyes shut, the cell phone
Screen shatters on the cement.

"Not again" crosses my mind too late
As a splinter suddenly seizes my sweater
And tears a hole in the elbow. It
Didn't deserve the damage done.

"Not again" I cry in defeat
As the trolley turns on its tracks
Already. It's seven ten but
The schedule says seven sixteen.

"Not again" is a whimper escaping my lips
After patting my pockets and purging my purse
For my keys on the train. My heart sinks when I
Deduce that they're dangling in the door.

"Not again" is my mantra
After the alarm allays all anxiety
By imagined mishaps. The reoccurring nightmare
Killed by the klaxon of my clock.