Please Tell Me

Please tell me when you decided it would be a
good idea to desert me.
Because I'm now left completely alone.

Please tell me when you thought it was a good
idea to make me cry.
Because now I'm out of tears.

Please tell me why it was such a good idea to
restrict me from every simple thing I wanted to
Because now I just don't listen.

Please tell me when our relationship turned from
mother & daughter, to enemies.
Because that's how it is now.

Please tell me why I want to scream and hurt
myself to feel more pain.
Because it confuses even me, just a little.

Please tell me why I have to throw myself at you now
to get you to even notice me (much less
acknowledge me)?
Because now I just hurt more.

Please tell me when you became too good for me.
Please tell me why you seem to hate me now.
Why you just left me with a broken heart
Walking away when I need you the most. Not

just you. Anyone...But you the most.
Waking up to another dreaded day. Filled with

grief & pain. Filled with wanting-yous & needing-

yous, but filled with without you.
Do you even remember me?
