Musically Beautiful

The music to the snare
Just keep the tempo alright.
Try to pace the bass,
Piano the key, to my melody
Set the promo, for the solo.
Cry me something splendid,
With a song by Jimi Hendrix
He is sometimes called the “Soulful Vocal Angelic”,
Feel the music, Elvis your pelvis, like every song is your song.
You have nothing to lose, but a lot to gain
From the release of tension that comes from the world’s strain.
But never would music be… if the adrenaline fades,
Because music is entrancing no matter the person, the place or the age.
Loving the beauty in music is my dream
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a poem I wrote for English. It got submitted to this big Cultural Arts Fair thingie. My english teacher made me stand up and read it to the class. They thought it ws good.