masequrade ball

I wonder if we all live in a masqureade
We put mask so no one will ever see
We dance around seeming not to have a care in the world
When on the inside were crashing down

We all live in a masquerade
Not seeing the real person we can be
We could be complaetely different from what you may seem
You say you love me for who I am
But I'm wearing a mask so how can it be

I stare into you're eyes trying to figure you out
But I can see like me you've been at the ball for a long while now
You know not to let you're true emotion show
not to let people look in your eyes and see you're soul
We spin and we twirl I can tell you're trying to figure me out
But that won't happen not on my account

We all live in a masquerade
Not seeing the real person we can be
We could be complaetely different from what may seem
You say you love me for who I am
But I'm wearing a mask so how can it be

You stare at me and I stare you trying to see
The truth in you're eyes but I can already see you're like me
You'll not give up easily you've worked at it for to long now
If I guess correct 15 years to gain the perfection at the game we call life
15 years to make your mask the best of its kind
If you can't already see I have to so there's no point to keep dancing this dance
and wasting our time but you don't give up and I don't know why

We all live in a masquerade
Not seeing the real person we can be
We could be complaetely different from what we may seem
You say you love me for who I am
But I'm wearing a mask so how can it be

You lead me to the balcony and you say to me
You and I are qutie alike and have been dancing this dance far to long
I nod and say nothing hoping you haven't got me figured out I pray but then you say
I haven't got you figured you're quite hard to read
But if you're anything like me you're done and you're ready to leave
As he says this to me he slips off his mask and he slowly slips off mine
I am finally done living this masqerade ball we call life