In silence we sit
As the events are told,
Tears spring from our eyes
As we feel so cold.

A death unimaginable
As he was too young to die,
He saw his end in foreign lands,
To far away to say goodbye.

He fell to his death
Of which he was totally unaware,
He was found in the darkness
As death and tragedy filled the air.

His teammates stand around speechless
As loneliness and sorrow plague their minds,
Wondering how it happened,
How is it he crossed those lines?

He lies in his coffin
As his friends and family mourn,
Words are spoken of how great he was,
As hearts all around are torn.

No one should die so young
It’s just not right.
He walked to his own death
He couldn’t even put up a fight.

He’s now at home
Where he belongs,
The pain will take a while to cease,
But our thoughts are with him wherever he goes.

R.I.P Ross Kimpton