My world and My tears

-Life isn't always like a fairy tale
-Sometimes there aren't happily ever afters
-Atleast not for some
-I know that now.... thanks to him
-Sometimes there isn't a sun shining on the other side of the rain
-Sometimes there isn't love after all the pain
-Misery loves its company
-But I'd rather be alone now
-For my tears to be free to fall
-Not having to hide anything at all
-No one ever knows how to handle things,
when their world comes crashing down they don't know what to do
-That's what happened to me

-His dark eyes stopped metting mine
-He seemed to be avoiding me
-Then everything became clear
-So clear it hurt
-A pain burried deep inside me, where my heart once was
-While everything crashed down around me withough hesitation
-A dark hole torn into my chest
-Never to be mended

-There she was holding my world in her arms
-Treating him just like another person
-Putting no special consideration to it
-Not realizing how unique he was
-Ignoring all his potential

-I wished from the bottom of my heart
-What I'd give to be her for the tiniest moment
-What I'd give for my world to be perfect and rebuilt
-For the pain to ease
-And the hole in my chest to vanish
-But I'll never have my happy ending
-Nothing will ever fall into place
-And there won't be a sun on the other side of the rain
-The rain that continues to pour
-No end in sight
-Just like my tears