If I Were to Ask

If I were to ask

Would you tell me
Would truth or a lie from your lips
Sound in my ears
You say its not my fault
But why
Are we not two sides of a whole
Yin and Yang
Sun and Moon
Existence in tandem with each other
Then how can it not be my fault
When we are one and the same
Do we stretch like elastic
Extending in our different directions
Only to be pulled back to the place we were
Even that would change what we have
The shape the feel
The sound in each others ears
We do not change though
We are like iron
Steady unchanging unyielding
Molded and entwined by bright fire
so what flame
could bring us apart so completely
as to leave behind no trace
it cannot be
I share in what you are as much
As you share in what I am
You know this as well as I do
So would I hear the truth from your lips
Or would you speak the lie we both know so well

If I were to ask
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Do you think I should remove the line "you know this as well as I do". I'm not entirely sure its needed. seems kinda redundant. Yes I realize there is no punctuation. Its suposed to be like that.