
I lay at the edge of the bed, watching
Him rest his head on her stomach, his arms around her
As she reads and runs her fingers through his hair

I lay at the edge of the bed, waiting
For my chance to crawl between him and her
As she notices me watching she says, "Mine"

I lay at the edge of the bed, wondering
When is he going to roll over, away from her
As she turns the page he kisses her stomach

I lay at the edge of the bed, wanting
Him to hold on to me and not her
As she closes the book and turns out the light

I lay at the edge of the bed, wishing
That she would go back to school already
As she snuggles closer and he holds tighter

I lay at the edge of the bed, watching
Dad sees me, "The dog is jealous of you", and calls me over
As mom says, "Poor Akasha" I crawl to the other side of him
♠ ♠ ♠
Akasha is my dog.