The First Time

She still remembers The first time
she saw her mom cry,
she was only seven years old.
Her mom had locked them in a room
Hiding from her dad.
He had just kicked her soccer ball
through the front window,
Screaming at her as he did.
After that she gave it up
got rid of the ball,
and did not play for Nine years.

She still remembers The first time
she saw a pet killed,
only a year later, at eight.
Her cat had not used it's box
she took it Hiding from her dad.
He threw the cat hard
against the back door,
Screaming at her a he did.
After that she never had another
who lived more than a year,
and it stayed that way for Nine years.

She still remembers The first time
she saw a child beat,
another year later, at nine.
Her brother had broke a car window
they are ran Hiding from her dad.
He slammed the boy's body
into the kitchen wall,
Screaming at her as he did.
After that her fate was the same
he had almost killed her once,
and she lived with it for Nine years.

She still remembers The first time
she ever felt safe
leaving, at the age of eighteen.
Her boyfriend took her away
no more Hiding from her dad.
He threatened the guys life
within the safety of his house,
Screaming at her as he did.
After that she walked away
no more caring, no more suffering,
and looked forward to the next Nine years.