Unwanted Memory

The memory of that day is quite vivid
even now, years later.
She still thinks of those moments
every time someone touches that
special place, for it is special to her.
Her eyes grow wide, her body freezes
and the battle between fear and anger
rages inside her.
Her mind does not see what is in front of her,
instead she sees his face,
red with anger, eyes bulging, nostrils flared.

She experiences it all over again
his rough hands
as they close around her delicate throat,
the heavy pressure in her chest
as she tries to fill her lungs.
Her vision blurs as she gasps for breath
things go dark, her mind starts to drift.
She thinks it is the end, then suddenly
she can breath, she hears a door slam.
Her sight begins to return and she starts to cry,
pulling her knees to her chest,
gripping them and her teddy bear tight.

Her mind rushes back, her knees buckle,
she falls to the ground and cries.
Must she always be haunted,
always tortured by this memory
that she cannot over come?
She wishes that she could forget
as easily as her father did.