Heartbreak Escapades

Eyes shut tight,
Yet hardly asleep
The last words echo,
Like a cave in the deep.
The spray of the ocean,
Heard from inside a shell
Magic to the eyes and ears,
Might as well…
Be real.

Like the feelings she feels,
On a bed escapade,
Like the touch of the water,
With the Saturday’s rain,

Like parting lips,
She says her goodbye,
To the pain that she’s inflicted,
And to the heart that she’s swallowed,
And the mending caress…
Of time.

There’s no time like this,
Seize the day,
Have your bliss,
But consider the consequence
Of lovemaking without a chance,
Without a chance,
That your futile dreams will come true.
As love is so foreign to you…

Like parting lips,
She says her goodbye,
To the pain that she’s inflicted,
And to the heart that she’s swallowed,
And the mending caress…
Of time.

Well, there’s no time in sight,
Life’s going down the drain,
And alcohol’s influenced her brain,
She’s comin’ back to Jersey,
She’s comin’ back to Jersey,
Better watch out,
If she’s found that you,
Moved on.
Move on,
Say your goodbye,
To heartbreak escapades.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ummmm, not required!