Theres this place insde of me

Theres a place inside me, somewhere so deep
I just have no reason no reason to sleep
I have nothing to do, no purpose inlife
I'm like an acorn bursting to strife.
I'm ready to show what I am about
From the roof tops I want to shout
You're gonna miss out on what I can be
All I want is for the world to see
I need the to be me. I have no purpose
I'm ready to mess up and kick up a fuss

Theres this place inside of me. Somewhere so deep
Some call it depression I just call it supression.
I'm not going to wait here anymore. I want it to be over.
I'm fed up of waiting, waiting for his hand
I'm alone in this world, I'm alone with my feelings
Theres this place insde of me I just need to be set free
♠ ♠ ♠
I've not wrote in a while, be sure to check my others