What She Died To Hear

She never believed in love
She never believed in romance
She didn't think he noticed her
She knew she hadn't a chance.

All her hopes and dreams
Were shattered by her doubt
Her lack of belief
Kept him shut out.

She grew to hate herself
For her thoughts lingered on him
She knew he could destroy her
Yet longing flowed through her every limb.

She felt she could not go on
Contradicting herself
And there wasn't really a point
She had nothing else.

She planned it all well
She knew how she would go
A simple push of the trigger
From her temple,blood will flow

As her cold, lifeless body
Lies still on the floor
The phone's ring breaks through the silence
And a message records

His soft voice
Haunts the room
His words, if only they came sooner
Could have prevented her doom

He spoke of his desire
To make her his own
How he was afraid it wasn't mutual
And kept his feelings from being shown

He ended his message
With words soft and sincere
How he loved and adored her
The words she died to hear.
♠ ♠ ♠
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