First Cuts

Family Matter?
It's okay your friend the razor is here to stay.
Now careful kid lets start out easy
wrist are something a little to hard
we don't want to kill yourself, not yet do we?
Lets find a place to hide,
quick and easy.
Now grab me in your hand and slide till it hurts.
Watching the thick redness as you begin to feel satisfie.
Quick kid wipe it up before anyone sees.
Now can you feel the sting?
I'll be here for you next time you feel sorrow,
but why not be a little more risky eh?
And begin with the wrist.
♠ ♠ ♠
...goes to show you how mucked up of a mind I have. :\ and yeah...I did cut myself once, no twice. So....yeah.....I guess this was going through my head.