On the Shore

Stacks upon stacks
Of black and white
Books fill the world
Around me.
Inside the books,
The thoughts and writings
That fill my mind from
Day to day. Also,
My own private paradise.
Obviously with all of
The things that I love,
The things that amuse me,
The things that hog all
Of my passion.
A paradise with it’s own
Soundtrack and it’s own
Natural flow and
Breezy, ocean air, because
This paradise is on the shore
Where it’s sunny, but also
Just right

It has tall buildings.
One is shaped of a pyramid
At the very top and
At the sides.
And a bridge;
Majestic and occasionally
Covered with fog; a
Gateway to the
other side.
But why would I leave?
I’ve got everything that
I’ll ever need in my
Sweet paradise
On the shore.