When What Was Left Is Gone

Just as I thought things were getting better
You had to sit and write me that awful letter
Why won’t anyone believe what I say
It’s not that they think I’m lying
It’s just that no one understands

Even you
Who I thought would always understand
Sit there agreeing with the wrong hand
I thought I could trust you to be the one
To be there for me when everything was done

I guess I was wrong
Because I find myself wanting to go
Back to the place where I call my home
I thought think’s might have changed
But you just want to argue and make claims

You say that I’m the one to blaim
Because I never followed through
On doing what I should have done
Time and time ago

I should have shut her out
But I couldn’t stand the fact
That I somehow needed to talk to her
Even though I hated being around her

She never understands
She always hurts me in the end
And even when she hurt you
You still went back to her
And even when she said she didn’t care
You still found your way back to her

Didn’t you learn the first time
Or do you want to be hurt again
I can’t stand to feel that way again
I can’t stand the feeling of pain any longer
I needed to be free

Hopefully I won’t deal with this again
If only They would listen
Would have listened
Maybe I would be somewhere else

Why I keep going back
I will never understand
But he keeps telling me
I wont have to deal with her
She’ll be gone before the end
Even though I’ll leave as well

My dear friend
Do you see what has become
Of what we once knew
Are you still the same you used to be
Are you still the one I can become
Will you learn the way
To your heart
Or let it be crushed once more

She is always near
But never has she been dear
She will cut you by the neck
And hold you till you choke
In which you will follow back to her
Like the lost puppies we all are

Don’t let her follow back
We can be independent on our owns
And the redundancy of all of this
May allow all of us
To become what could have been

My friend will you listen to me
And drop her while you can