I want you but i don't need you

i thought i needed you
i believed that i wanted you
i tryed so hard to get you
then too hard to keep you

you came to me
then ran away
coming again
but lying to my face

i cared for you
i fell for you
i let myself think
you did too

but you lied out your teeth
trying to talk behind my back
were you that dumb
thinking my friends and i wouldn't talk?

so you got caught
but you wouldn't man up
you just said fuck you
back off

fine by me
makes my life easier
i'm sad your gone, i'll say it
but if this is the guy you really are
then i don't need you
♠ ♠ ♠
this just happened to me i just free handed it, i didn't think aboiut it too much, so sorry its not too good