Whenever I Think of You

Whenever I'm with you, butterflies hit my stomach & my heart starts pounding
it feels as if my heart could almost fly... fly straight to you

whenever i'm with you i practically lose my mind. You don't see the calm, coy
collected, witty, & smart mask of mine you've unlocked & lowered my defenses and found the true me

whenever i'm with you, so many quotes fly through my mind:

"When i say 'i love you', i don't say it out of habit, or to start a conversation.
i say it to remind you that you're the best thing that's happened to me."

"One day a doc looked at my x-rays & found you in my heart
He told me he couldn't take you out, because if he did, i would die<3"

"I would take a bullet for you anytime because i would rather die
than live 1 day without you."

"love never counts up the wrongs, but instead encourages
the rights & strengths."

"Lets flip a coin. Heads-your mine, Tails- I'm yours"

"When i 1st saw you, i was afraid to meet you
when i 1st met you, i was afraid to hold you
when i 1st held you, i was afraid to kiss you
when i 1st kissed you, i was afraid to love you
& now that i luv u, i'm afraid to lose u"

"when you're lonely, look at the empty space between your fingers & imagine
mine intertwined with them"

"If it hurts to look in the past, & you're scared to look into the future.
look besides you & you'll always see me there." <33 ^^

but all these verses come out in 3 words: I love You

My heart's desire is to feel your arms around me & hear you wispher softly
in my ear, 'I love u'. Then somehow, someway, God will place us into each
others lives forever. because you have truly captured my heart.
& if i can't have yours, i'll wait. that's all i can do, unless i find another
'mr. perfect' to break your... effect. the effect, might i say, you've had ever since i first
met you, & i can't break free no matter how hard i try.

When i first met you, i found something special i really don't know what it was,
but its filled me with something i've never felt before.
I was lonely, i found a friend. I was troubled, i found peace.
i was empty, i found love, joy, patience, happiness, knowlege, fun,
loyalty, trust, confidence, humour, understanding, wisdom & etc...
All that & more was in YOU. Which is why i chose you of all people to love.

During our times together, you've taught me so many things.
example #1: don't drink 'Redbull'
You've taught me what its like to have fun.
I (re)learned how to laught & find joy in every corner of life.
Peace illuminated my life so greatly, & i thank you ^^
But the most important lesson: we're All human & it's because of that,
i'll ALWAYS forgive you. no matter how much pain you may cause me to suffer

But whenever you're gone,
i think fondly of the happy memories we shared together.
And while i'm thinking, a smile is always planted on my face.
A smile of pure love & joy...
If i'm not thinking, I'm hoping. Hoping to see you every day for the rest of my life
Hopin to hear those 3 words not from your mouth, but from your heart.
& hoping you'll understand that i have, am & always will love you with my heart forever.
No matter what happens, my dearest.

-by: 'The' Luvphantomess
♠ ♠ ♠
this was actually written 1am the 3rd night after Nick broke up with me (in March)