Dear God, I Hate You

I could use some help here
Left to my own devices
You know it’s hard to breathe by myself
The pressure weighing down on my chest
This cruel fucking world
Suffocating me

Have faith they say
Life will reward you some sweet, bright day
What will it be of me
When God just seems to hate the very core of my being
Maybe it’s because I’m not a believer
But all I can see is fucking misery
Why is it that some
Seem to just bathe in his light
Every step of the way

I feel sick
So afraid and
The aching pain just doesn’t go away
As every day passes I lose hope
Of ever becoming anything
Worthwhile in this world
Why would you do this God?
Strip me of all happiness and dig out my intestines
You left me alone with a never ending suffering
In a shell, my soul floated away
Why would you leave me here, when I’m better off