No way to say

Life can be cruel,
It can be dark and unfair,
And sometimes we hurt the ones,
For which we love and care

But for the actions we all take,
Consequences will follow,
And most of the time,
It’s our own pride we must swallow

Because sometimes, it matters not,
If we’re wrong or right,
Sometimes we have to think about,
If it’s worth the fight

But, as I look back now,
I see where I went wrong,
I twisted things so I could condone,
My actions all along

I then saw what I’d done,
And hung my head in shame,
Was it really worth all this,
Just to play my games?

It had cut us all deeper,
Than any words can say,
And my only wish,
Is that there’d been another way

Apologies can be offered,
But things cannot be taken back,
They can’t be changed or undone,
Where things started to crack

But, we can always try,
To heals those deep wounds,
Because my heart needs you,
Like planets need their moons

So, at the end of this,
I want you to see,
That I’m sorry and I love you,
And you all mean the world to me