Not Alone

A breeze is blowing
Your eyes are glowing

With that mischievious glimmer
A slight golden shimmer

And now the skies are pouring
My heart, it's soaring

I never knew

I never knew

And then so suddenly
You're all that I am
It's flooding me

So gently now

So gently

You're my star now
So brightly you shone

And I know now

I' not alone

I love you so

I love you so

Never again

Will I be alone...
♠ ♠ ♠
Written:: 11/23/09

Comments are VERY welcome and encouraged. :]]

Also, if you think you've seen this somewhere else, chances are, you HAVE.

It should ONLY be on my Deviant Art account.

My dA:: Mona At Deviant Art