letters from the UNwise

look here you ungreatful little bitch so what if that was momma who messaged you i dont care. did you know that adrianna has not slept in her room since she found out that you are not coming back. and also roy has actually cried since you left. and grandma you really should let cassia write what she wants to write. Also do you realize what you are doing to the rest of us, momma or roy could go to jail and you dont even care. look you little bitch all i am saying is that if you want to stay with them then quit your fucking lying and just drop the charges and quit prossecuting roy and momma. You have 48 hours after you read this letter to reply

P.S if you dont drop the charges and you continue to ruin my life then i will disown you and you wont even be considered my sister anymore IDC HOW MUCH WE HAVE BEEN THROUGH TOGETHER.

a letter from my bro if you have any idea how i should write
about this let me know