
What happened to you?
What happened to that girl
I thought I knew better then myself.
Gone with the wind,
Leaving nothing but a living shell.
I can't read your expression,
Your face without emotion.
I can't seem to recognize
That playful little girl
That once stood by my side.
Changed so much,
Even though I've changed so little,
Leaving you a victim to time.
Time where we should have grown closer,
Not farther apart.
Time where we should have shared secrets,
The same secrets that now keep us distant.
I've changed so little,
Yet you've changed so much.
I no longer know that little girl
Cause shes no longer there.
The friend I had in you
Just seemed to disappear.
Gone with the wind,
Gone with time,
Leaving no trace
That you were ever even here.
No trace except for the memories I have
Of you standing by my side,
Memories that will sooner or later disappear.