Outside the Unflorished Path

As I wandered aimlessly through the realm of dreams, I came across a field of flowers, sprawling endless as the sea. Beauty overtakes my senses, the breeze pushes me forward and I begin to walk along the unflorished path that lyes before me. Each flower is unique and beautiful in its own way, they sway so gently with each gust of wind, and I admire each as I pass. I continue along the untrodden path when suddenly, I see a creation unlike the rest. The most spectacular of God's work I see in the distance, and mesmorized by its magnificance, I make my approach. With each step another detail of the flower is revealed, the closer I get, the more beautiful it becomes. It is truly one of a kind. Finally I arrive at my destination and I am humbled by its wonder. I kneel down to explore it's details more thoroughly. It's petals glisten like the most beautiful diamonds, and its leaves stretch far and wide, absorbing as much sunlight as possible. It's stem is strong and reliable, resistant to the breeze's stronger advances. It is perfect in every way, and jealously I want it for myself. I imagine it would be the perfect piece for me to display in my front window, so that all the world may share in it's wonder, and know that it is mine. I reach down to pick the flower, but then something stops me cold. A thought enters my brain, and I realize that my actions are wrong. This flower is happy where it is, I cannot take it. I couldn't give it what it deserves. I own nothing that could contain it's beauty and my front window is cracked and dirty at best. So I stood back up, and dusted off the loose soil, and slowly I began to walk away, back to the unflorished path wence I came, leaving the flower behind, atleast for now. Perhaps someday I will find that field again, and maybe then I will be worthy to take that flower, but for now I will leave it for another dreamer to have, one more worthy than myself. For as long as the flower is happy I will be, but deep within my heart I hope it is there when I return. If anything so that I may gaze upon it once more.
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I like this poem. I wrote it, its very personal to me. If you can somehow figure out what its about then... Your good. It isnt that complicated really. Hope it brought a smile to your face, or a tear, or... something. But Im sort of proud of it. Hope you liked it.