A Vampire's Love

His throat is burning
Thirsty he is
Though he refuses to be
The monster he fears.

It can’t be that bad
To give in just a little
But he’ll be mad
When he feels his prey fiddle.

Maybe he could try
To just drain a criminal
To leave him cold and dry
And not be an animal.

But it’s easier said than done
He knows he won’t stick to his promise
His counterpart will find no fun
It’s hard to deal with things like this.

But even animal blood
Can never satisfy him
He can’t just stand back and watch the flood
Watch with his lust so slim.

Suddenly, he hears a shattering scream
Worked deep from within the mortal throat
His eyes glisten from envy to glee
As he races off in a float.

In a second, he has bloodshed the hunter
Ready to suck dry the victim too
But as his thirst-filled eyes meet her fragile form
He dwells only on the fact if she’ll make it through.

But what’s going on?
Didn’t he just plan to end her life a minute ago?
Her blood was ringing like a song
It was like a host without a show.

He picked her up ever so gently
Careful to do no damage than what has been done
And glided away rapid but mutely
As noticed the first trace of the shining sun.

At his dimly lit cave he was
Placing her cautiously, on cobblestones
And as determined as he was to keep her alive
He was suffocating deeply inside his throne.

At last he had done all he could
Time was the only hidden surprise
Stand by her every second he would
Until her corpse would spring to life.

Decades past
And yet, he never left her side
Time flew by fast
As he tried hard to refuse the tide.

There were no words
That could describe the pain he endured
No emotion could be performed
To show how strong his heart had been injured.

And as he stared ahead
Dead through the horizon
He felt warm silk
Even better than the sun.

He tore his dead eyes away and looked down
Only to be met by life itself
A sight he mourned for without a sound.

There were sparks filled with love
As they stared into each other’s eyes
And together they were forever
With the ending of a vampire’s love.

The End