
Just on the cusp of seventeen and we’re all ready to go—
raring, flaring, and a’glow.
We want so bad to be adults, yet our fingers cling to the wood of the door.
We know we can’t stay here anymore.
Where childhood has been home,
where we still can’t stand to be alone
in the corridor of the past,
ready present and the last.
But together we can stand
on not just two legs but more—no longer alone but with familiar hands
clasping, grasping, holding us together
as we stand and fight with our unyeilding tether.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I've decided to put a few more things up because I can and because I was inspired to do so.

Ah, nothing like procrastination to get the ol' literary juices flowing, yeah?

Yeah. Barbie's going to hate me if she ever reads this.