I think about you everyday

I got to thinking about you today;
And the tears rolled down my face.
It sucks to know I won't see you anymore;
And I'll never feel your warm embrace.
I wonder about where you are at times like these;
And I cry when it sinks into my mind.
I think about you everyday;
There's never a day when you excape my mind.

These nights get tough;
And the dreams about you are rough.
The thought of you laying there lifeless;
Never drifts away.
I want to kill that smoking company;
And I want to bring you back to this family.

I hear your name in school;
And I want to die.
I hear our family talk about you;
And I feel broken.

I think about you everyday.
♠ ♠ ♠
I miss you, so much. This poem doesn't even explain it. We all miss you. At Christmas we talk about you. I see the hurt in Kim's eyes. It's easy to tell she cries, and is fighting back tears everytime we say your name. This family is falling to pieces without you. When you left, we never saw it coming. I just wasn't ready to let go, and no one else was either.