Another Day

Passing by nothing but blank stares
Not asking why wouldn't even dare
I know where this could lead
The feeling is like a deep wound that bleeds
Same feeling over and over
There's no escape from it no cover
In my mind I think of the ways to escape
But I already know how this is going to end it's fate
Darkness is the only thing I can call close
Everything inside just feels like it all froze
Day in and day out the thoughts flood my mind
Don't know what to believe its all intertwined
Tried to find something that can give hope
All I found was a bare room hanging from the roof a knotted rope
Just the plain site was somewhat tempting
Even if I tried the craziness will just have no end
Just laying on the cold floor thinking
Voices around me stopped since then
Hearing the thunder and rain outside the window
Not knowing what this life of mine will turn into
♠ ♠ ♠
All I was hearing during this was sad and depressing music, so I let my emotions write for me.