Mighty Fall.

I can't listen to the music.
The lyrics make me think.
When I know I could forget it all
In the time it takes to blink.

I can't hear it anymore.
It won't let me forget.
The one and only person
I'd like to have not met.

The memories, they haunt me.
They refuse to go away.
And in the end, I can't decide
If they should go or stay.

I know they'll never leave.
They're imprinted in my brain.
Why can't they leave me be
and release me from this pain?

The good outweighs the bad.
It always has for me.
but in this case scenario,
I don't want this memory.

I listen to the music.
Each and every day.
The remind me of the words
I can no longer say.

Where did that one girl go?
The one everyone used to know.
She knew how to have fun,
She was everyone's sun.

But now, she doesn't speak at all.
She's had a mighty fall.
♠ ♠ ♠
A crap poem because I'm in a crap mood.