Same Old Song

I see her lying on her bed again listening to the same song,
I have known her before she was even born,
her lips move to the lyrics of the song,
But not making a sound,
It has been a long time that she has been alone,
There was a time when a simple shooting star brought her to tears again,
And how ever sunset broke her heart,
She replayed the song again,
The same old song,
So sad and mellow,
Yet she lacks emotion,
She does not talk much to me anymore,
She use to talk to me all the time,
But now I never hear from her,
She softly speaks,
Thinking I can't hear,
For the first time in years she let her tears fall,
"The same old song..."
She muttered out through tears,
And she gently fell asleep
♠ ♠ ♠
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