I look at you and I get butterflies in my stomach

You look at me and you don’t care

I’m not supposed to care about you or think of you.

I’m not supposed to wonder where you are or what you’re doing,

But I just can’t help it

I’m in love with you and you don’t even know it

I was doing just fine before you came along and now my life just isn’t the same anymore.

I can’t focus in class because of your smile,

I can’t think straight anymore because of your eyes,

I can’t stop smiling because of you.

My heart beats faster whenever I think of you.

Why did you have to come into my life?

I didn’t ask for you to come, you just show up.

I’m trying so hard to make sense of all of this...

Why I’m 15 years old and in love with a guy I don’t even talk to.

Everything happens for a reason and there are always answers,

I keep searching for the answers but I can’t seem to find them.

‘Cause then again, you can’t find something that’s not there.

It’s driving me so crazy because I don’t even know how it happened.

You don’t even know my name.

I’m just some random girl who is a nobody in your eyes.

Despite you not knowing who I am, I still love

Your eyes,

Your smile,

Your hair,

Your laugh,

Your voice,

Your sense of humor,

The way you walk,

The way you talk,

The way you try not to laugh and put your hand in front of your mouth or put your head down on your arm or start biting your nails,

The way you say the first things that come to your head even when you know they don’t make sense,

The way you say the most random and funniest things with such a straight face.

You’re so special to me.

You’re the inspiration that brought me to hope again and

I can’t get over you now because you’re brought me too far.

When graduation day comes,

I probably won’t ever see you again and

I have no idea what I’m going to do.

I guess I just need to

Hold my head up high,

Wipe the tears away,

Believe in myself again

And say goodbye