Over too soon.

It seams not long ago
We met and fell in love.
I can remember so much
when everything seamed perfect.

It was like a song
You and me
Everything fit so perfectly
like words and music

It was like a perfect summer day
Not too hot, or too cold.
Just right to go swimming
but not get a sun burn.

Everything fit

But suddenly
the rhythm was lost
A guitarist messed up
Or the lyricist did.

Or maybe the melody
just wasn't meant to be
Maybe if we had tried.
Just a little harder.

But the song kept going
the problem wasn't fixed
and we let it snow ball up
And now we have this.

Our song has come to an end
The end has led to disaster
Nothing so perfect
could have lasted forever.

Its too soon.
like your favorite song
the one you wish lasted
forever on repeat.

I know we could have worked
Maybe if we stopped our song
And fixed those notes
to be in tune.

But we didn't
And now the song is done.
And I will wish every night
That we would try again.

Maybe we can create a single
A hit among other things.
Or maybe we just need time
And a new song to sing

A new song
That doesn't involve
♠ ♠ ♠
I still love him..