I'm In Love With A Guy I Don't Know

I’m in Love with a Guy I Don’t Know

I’m in love with a guy I don’t know
God, help me. He’s so pretty.
He’s the man of my dreams. But he barely notices me
He makes my heart flutter.
Is he the one or is he in a long list of people not for me?

I’ve almost never spoken to him but he makes me feel like heaven
I hope he sees me
Me, the girl in the corner who never says what she wants to say
Because she’s been broken once before

Dear god, how can this work?
I’m in love with a guy I don’t know
I’ve got his facebook and he’s got mine
But we never speak
I never talk because I’m afraid he’ll see like everyone else does
The little girl who’s trying to break every rule about who she is
But never seems to succeed
Dear god, I’m in love with a guy I don’t know

I tell all my friends and they tease and laugh
I laugh along with them, knowing what they’re about
But every time he walks past, everything is silent and my eyes follow
We smile to say hi. My heart flutters
All my friends fall silent to watch us
To watch something that will never happen

Dear god, how can this work?
I’m in love with a guy I don’t know
I’ve got his facebook and he’s got mine
But we never speak
I never talk because I’m afraid he’ll see like everyone else does
The little girl who’s trying to break every rule about who she is
But never seems to succeed
Dear god, I’m in love with a guy I don’t know

Why won’t my mouth work?
Why can’t I say that I love you?
You’re the kind of perfect that I probably don’t deserve
I tell my friends that I love them all the time with my hugs
So why won’t my mouth work when it come to you?
Self doubt overcomes, overwhelms me.
You’re the kind of perfect everyone dreams of

Dear god, how can this work?
I’m in love with a guy I don’t know
I’ve got his facebook and he’s got mine
But we never speak
I never talk because I’m afraid he’ll see like everyone else does
The little girl who’s trying to break every rule about who she is
But never seems to succeed
Dear god, I’m in love with a guy I don’t know

One of these days I’ll take up all the remaining courage I have
And ask you out.
It doesn’t matter if you shut me down
What matters is that I tried
And you’ll see what everyone else sees
That I’m in love with a guy I don’t know

You're the kind of perfect that's forever
You have eyelashes that every girl dreams of having (Even though you're a guy!)
You make me smile, make me catch my breath
I think I'll faint if I'm around you anymore
But I don't care
Because I'm in love with you
I'm in love with a guy I don't know
♠ ♠ ♠
I do actually have a crush on a guy at school. <3 But, I found that past experiences are holding me back and therefore, I decided to reveal my thoughts in song. It’s the most honest song I think I’ve written and I hope the guy I love sees that I’m here. I sing every time he’s around and I pray to god that he notices…he never does…It’s kind of how I roll…I also have a crush on Joe Jonas (I hate him for breaking up with Taylor Swift but at the same time, I dislike Taylor for drawing this out so badly) and Daniel Radcliffe (He’s getting weird but I DFC. <3. You can figure out what that means for yourself!)