
You brought the family together.
You made everyone smile.
The whole damn meal was flawless.
The laughter, the family, the love.
It was really a holiday then.

Now it seems blasphemous to even
celebrate the holidays without you.
There's less smiles, less family.
More remembrance and grief.
It's a fight to smile or cry.

Everyone misses the sound of your voice
the different colored house coats
the tissues you hid up your sleeve.
We miss your laugh and your smile.
We miss the gleam in your eye.
We miss you spooning more potatoes on our plate
even though we were ready to burst.

Your seat is empty at the table.
The kitchen seems so empty.
It will never be a holiday without you.
It'll be so hard to just make due.
♠ ♠ ♠
Seven years ago my Great Uncle Babe died.
A year later his sister, my Great Grandmother died.

For three years my family didn't celebrate the Holidays. Now, it's no longer a big production.
The family seems so empty without them, especially around the Holidays.

This is for them. Noella and Babe Dube, we miss you.
